RusQuality Halal
Export Certification

"Halal" in Arabic means what is allowed, what is permissible. In its religious sense, it means what is permissible in Shari'ah - proper and allowable. "Halal in relation to food means permissible food in terms of legal, moral and religious norms of Islam.

There are more than 20 million Muslims in our country, and the demand for Halal products and services from Muslims, as well as some non-Muslim population, is constantly growing.

Eng Rus

Halal mark of conformity

is a special symbol, which is a verification of compliance with all the requirements and standards of Halal.

Confirms the quality of the product or service and its compliance with all requirements and declared standards.
Indicates that the provider of the product or service is listed as a Halal Certified Producer.
The product or service is certified to comply with the Halal system.


The HCB "RusQuality-Halal" was established as part of the Russian Quality System.

RusQuality was established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation №780-R dated 30.04.15.
Росаккредитация лого

The body is accredited by the Federal Accreditation Service (RusAccreditation)

The certification body receives expert support from leading Islamic law experts in the Russian Federation

Encourages the demand for certified products and helps to develop a competitive edge

Ensures consumer confidence in certified products



Batch certification

Halal certificate is issued only for one specific batch of products

Serial product certification

Halal certificate is issued for all newly produced products

Certification stages

Submission of an application for certification
Analysis and decision on possibility of certification
Sampling and research investigations
On-site analysis of the production status and technical documentation
Issuance of certificate and registration
Conducting of inspection control
Procedure for certification of Halal products


RusQuality-Halal is accredited in the following international organizations:
GCC Accreditation Center


Cost of works on confirmation of compliance Halal standards - starting from 50 thousand rubles.

Certification and works on standards compliance confirmation are carried out under the contract on a paid basis

RusQuality-Halal certification body is independent of manufacturers and consumers

It operates on the principles of self-sufficiencyand self-government, which exclude the possibility of influences that may affect the objectivity of the work

The total cost of certification work depends on the product certification scheme and the types of work carried out by the certification body. The list of works on certification includes:
  1. Consideration of the application for product certification
  2. Decision-making on work on product certification
  3. Selection of the certification scheme
  4. Concluding a work contract on product certification
  5. Product identification and sampling of products for testing
  6. Analysis of test reports
  7. Analysis of production status (if required by the certification scheme)
  8. Evaluation of product compliance
  9. Preparation of decision about possibility to issue the certificate of conformance
  10. Issuance of a certificate of conformity and its registration in the register of certified products
  11. Conducting an inspection control of the certified products
The main way of financing the activities of the certification body is the implementation of works under the contract of certification.

List of test laboratories

Test Laboratory of Food Products, Raw Materials and Materials of FBUR 1 Kurlyandskaya St., St. Petersburg, 190103 Reg. No. ROSS RU.0001.21PN87
Federal State Institution of Science Federal Research Center for Nutrition, Biotechnology and Food Safety (VNIIPBT, a branch of FGBUN "FITs Nutrition and Biotechnology") 111033, Moscow, Samokatnaya str. Reg. No. RA.RU.21PU30
Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Gorbatov Federal Scientific Center for Food Systems" RAS. V.M. Gorbatov Federal Scientific Institution of the Russian Academy of Sciences (hereinafter - FSBSI "V.M. Gorbatov Federal Scientific Center for Food Systems" RAS) 109316, Moscow, Talalikhina Street, 26 Reg. No. RA.RU.21PT61
Denis Manturov
Denis Manturov
, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation - Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

Today in Russia, as well as all over the world, there is a growing demand for products and services that meet the requirements of Halal. Strict quality criteria of Halal products create interest in it for representatives of various religions, as well as supporters of healthy lifestyles.

Dmitry Patrushev
Dmitry Patrushev
, Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation

Halal is the fastest growing segment of food consumption worldwide, it is our priority target market.

Maxim Reshetnikov
Maxim Reshetnikov
, Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation

The Halal industry has enormous potential both domestically and for export. These are investments, trade, fashion, culture, creative industries.


The list of documents used in the performance of works on confirmation of conformityand defining the requirements
for this work include:
  • Federal Laws of the Russian Federation
  • Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation
  • Documents and decisions of the Eurasian Economic Union
  • Technical regulations of the Customs Union
  • International Standards
  • Standards and documents regulating the rules of the Halal certification body


Certification body "RusQuality-Halal-Export Certification" Autonomous Nonprofit Organization "Russian Quality System"
12 Ordzhonikidze St., Moscow, 119071
+7 (495) 777-43-12, ext. 111

Unique number of the accreditation record in the register of accredited persons:Accreditation Certificate No. RA.RU.11HE90 of 26.04.2023

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